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Tech 4 Tracing
T4T signs MOU with SESU

21 March 2025 - Tech 4 Tracing and the State Emergency Services of Ukraine (SESU) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the context of T4T’s European Union project to support SESU’s ability to conduct the remote detection, identification and geo-mapping of explosive ordnance in the areas it operates. The new Memorandum, which supersedes a 2023 agreement between T4T and SESU’s Interregional Center for Humanitarian Demining and Rapid Response, goes into effect immediately.

Kyiv Innovation Session

11 February 2025 - Tech 4 Tracing is pleased to take part in the Innovation Session: Mine Action in Ukraine in Kyiv this week, co-sponsored by the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy, Demine Ukraine and the Gevena International Center for Humanitarian Demining. Tech 4 Tracing is showcasing its unexploded ordnance detection and review platform for Ukrainian national partners and humanitarian mine action organisations. Tech 4 Tracing’s participation is supported by the European Union, which is also funding the Innovation Session.

Detection Kits Handover Ukraine

27 January 2025 - Tech 4 Tracing delivered drone and laptop kits to the State Emergency Services of Ukraine (DSNS) for their use with custom explosive ordnance detection and geo-location software. The detection kits are to be deployed with regional reconnaissance teams conducting non-technical surveys. Following the official handover of these kits in Kyiv, Tech 4 Tracing took part in field demonstrations of the detection capabilities and the team trainings. The detection kits are part of a project package supported by the European Union and implemented by Tech 4 Tracing.

Scanning Mission

6 September 2024 - Tech 4 Tracing has just completed its third week-long scanning mission to capture high-resolution images and benchmark video for more than one hundred explosive ordnance and munition objects. Scanned objects included free-from-explosives (FFE) anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, rifle-fired mortars, and traditional mortars up to 120mm. Over the months ahead, data will be processed for the creation of 3D model assets and high-accuracy detection algorithms.

EU Rapid Response Grant

15 July 2024 - T4T has secured a grant from the European Union to support the Ukrainian State Emergency Services in the remote detection and identification of explosive ordnance and the creation of high-accuracy training replicas for EOD education purposes. This work will be implemented over the next 18 months. We are proud to continue to have the EU’s flag on our work and to support the effectiveness and security of Ukrainian demining teams.

T4T signs MOU with National Aviation University, Kyiv

12 June 2024 - Tech 4 Tracing is pleased to announce a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Aviation University, Kyiv, for cooperation, expertise exchange and collaboration towards shared objectives in education and support to Ukrainian authorities.

27th National Mine Action Directors Meeting (Geneva)

1 May 2024 - Tech 4 Tracing was pleased to co-present the side event “EXPANDING THE AI TOOLKIT FOR NTS PROCESSES’ with HALO Trust at the 27th International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers (NDM-UN27) today at the International Conference Center Geneva. T4T described the current state of play of computer vision explosive object detection in both OSINT datasets and real-time operational technical and non-technical surveys. The session drew a large crowd and, though we only had time for a few questions, they were good ones!

Constructive Dialogue for the UN Firearms Protocol (Vienna)

5 April 2024 - T4T delivered a statement during today’s Constructive Dialogue on the UNTOC Firearms Protocol, organised by UNODC, making three specific points in response to Agenda item IV on “‘States parties’ technical assistance needs and non-governmental stakeholders’ engagement” and in light of Recommendation 8 of the Background Paper of Working Group on Firearms on Operationalising the Firearms Protocol in view of technological developments relating to the illicit manufacturing of an trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition.

Recommendation 8 reads, ‘States are encouraged to explore the use of technology to enhance responses related to technological developments and changing modi operandi in the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition …’

T4T’s three points:

  • As criminals evolve in their use of new technologies, States’ parties’ technical assistance needs to effectively respond will only grow. What we are now seeing is only the start of a technology race between criminals and law enforcement in the domain of illicit weapons manufacture. To beat the criminals in this race, states need technical expertise that lies with non-governmental stakeholders––with NGOs and the private sector.
  • In the fight against illicit firearms manufacture and trafficking, information exchange is critical, whether organized bilaterally or through regional and international mechanisms and platforms. Key examples of such platforms include iARMS, iTRACE, and the planned Europol Firearms Intelligence Hub. For information exchange mechanisms to be effective, however, it is essential for national authorities to ‘speak the same technical language’ when it comes to illicit weapons data. A number of standard universal reference lists exist for firearms, including the Interpol Firearms Reference Table, but no such reference exists for firearms ammunition. For this reason, working in consultation with law enforcement entities, T4T is developing the international SMall Caliber Ammunition Reference Table (SMART), which could be extremely useful to States for documenting and then sharing information on seized illicit ammunition.
  • Automating the detection and documentation of privately-manufactured firearm parts and components needs special attention given how fast they are proliferating and their increasing prominence in seizures. Because of their unique geometry, these objects––like explosives and munitions––are amenable to detection and identification using artificial intelligence (AI) computer vision. This is another important area where specialized non-governmental entities can work closely with law enforcement to ensure that they have the leading technologies they need to combat criminal manufacture and trafficking, and to thereby more effectively implement the Firearms Protocol.
T4T signs MOC with Bomb Techs Without Borders

25 March 2024 - T4T is proud to announce our new Memorandum of Cooperation with Bomb Techs Without Borders (BTWOB) on collaborative work to bring innovative technologies to EOD technicians, sappers, deminers, and others to safely and effectively address the effects of explosive hazards. BTWOB is an international humanitarian organization based in the United States with a registered branch in Ukraine whose mission is the mitigation of explosive hazards around the world.

At over 1100 pages, BTWOB’s Basic Identification Guide of Ammunition in Ukraine (version 5), built in partnership with the explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) of the Ukrainian 8th SOF Regiment, State Emergency Services of Ukraine (DSNS) and National Police of Ukraine, is an essential resource for Ukrainian and international EOD technicians.

Among other collaborations, T4T and BTWOB will work together on explosive ordnance identification tools that take advantage of computer vision artificial intelligence.

Humanitarian Demining Tech Innovation Challenge (Kyiv)

20 March 2024 — At the invitation of UNDP Ukraine and the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy, T4T presented to students at the National Aviation University in Kyiv today during the Humanitarian Demining Technology Innovation Challenge. After the morning presentations, student groups pitched their demining technology innovation projects, one of which will be selected by a jury for a prize.

Some of the key data acquisition challenges that students were presented with related to accuracy of geo-tagging, plastic landmines, limitations on drone flight times, weather conditions, soil composition and vegetation.

On the data processing side, students were urged to propose projects that focus on noisy data, geo-relevance, AI training datasets (including images, labelling, and realistic synthetic data).

We were impressed with the student proposals, and believe these kinds of competitions and challenges will help stimulate Ukrainian capabilities and leading-edge thinking for advancing the future of AI-enhanced humanitarian mine action.

GICHD 2023 Innovation Conference

16 November 2023 — Tech 4 Tracing and VFRAME presented to their workflow for creating computer vision detection algorithms for explosive ordnance objects at the 2023 edition of the GICHD Innovation Conference today. In the presentation, we described how different steps in the workflow overcome inherent weaknesses in data generated by other means –– in order to control the data rather than being controlled by it. We also used the opportunity to promote our concept for the establishment of an open, collaborative, verified benchmark dataset, with contributions by all vendors who wish to be taken seriously in this space, to compete against for independent validation of algorithm accuracy.

UN Secretary-General's Report cites T4T

16 November 2023 — The latest UN Secretary-General’s Report on Small Arms and Light Weapons (S/2023/823) cites Tech 4 Tracing work to promote the adoption of new technology-based tools for enhancing arms control capabilities, and recommends that the UN Security Council further examine the benefits and opportunities these technologies provide.

Explosive Ordnance Web Detector Release

6 November 2023 - In advance of public presentations in November, T4T’s implementing partner VFRAME has released a publicly accessible web demo for the PTM-1 anti-personnel mine and 9N235 cluster sub-munition computer vision detector. Note that the web demo represents a reduced performance version of the full performance detector. For more information, get in touch with us. This project is supported by the European Union.

Demine Ukraine Forum (Kyiv)

27 September 2023 - T4T was pleased to take part in today’s Demine Ukraine Forum in Kyiv. The side discussions were fruitful. We believe T4T’s computer vision-based AI technology can make a marked impact in the automated detection of UXO and other ERW in Ukraine. We look forward to the full strategy and plan for the implementation of the initiative.

Journal Article Published

22 June 2023 - Issue 27.2 (June 2023) of the Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction features an article by Adam Harvey and Emile LeBrun entitled ‘Computer Vision Detection of Explosive Ordnance: A High-performance 9N235/9N210 Submunition Detector’, describing a computer vision algorithm creation workflow developed to automate the detection of the 9N235/9N210 cluster submunition, a heavily deployed munition in the Ukraine conflict. The six-step process described here incorporates photography, photogrammetry, 3D-rendering, 3D-printing, and deep convolutional neural networks. The resulting high-performance detector can be deployed for searching and filtering images generated as part of OSINT investigations and soon, for real-time field detection objectives.

UN Open-ended Working Group on Ammunition (New York)
EU Contract

9 May 2023 - T4T is pleased to announce that the European Union is now supporting our work to test and refine efficient and effective workflows for the creation of arms and ammunition computer vision detection algorithms. During the first phase of this project, which runs through February 2024, we will build the foundation of an inventory of high-priority arms, ammunition and explosive ordnance object detectors and scope the opportunities and challenges for creating practical, fit-for-purpose mobile platforms to integrate multiple weapon detectors and generate data that meet standards of evidence for accountability mechanisms. We’re proud to add the EU’s flag to our work.

Scanning Mission

8 May 2023 - Tech 4 Tracing has just completed its second week-long scanning mission to capture high-resolution images and benchmark video for more than a dozen explosive ordnance and munition objects. Scanned objects included free-from-explosives (FFE) anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, rifle-fired mortars, and traditional mortars up to 120mm. Over the months ahead, data will be processed for the creation of 3D model assets, leading towards high-accuracy detection algorithms.

REAIM 2023

15 February 2023 - Tech 4 Tracing was honoured to have been invited to present at REAIM2023this week on “Arms Control for the 21st Century,” showcasing our work with VFRAME on computer vision detection of munitions and a range of other weapons. In a conference dominated by discussions about what the limits of artificial intelligence (AI) in the military operations are and should be, T4T’s presentation provided an update on practical applications for arms control, human rights investigations, monitoring and verification, and the safe and secure identification of unexploded ordnance threats in battlefield contexts. “The conversation on AI in the military must include a focus on the many beneficial applications for protection and accountability mechanisms, but this has so far been overshadowed by other debates,” said T4T Executive Director David Lochhead.

T4T Briefs COARM

14 October 2022 — At the invitation of Belgium, T4T briefed the EU Working Group on Conventional Arms Exports (COARM) on the application of computer vision and optical character recognition technologies for diversion documentation. We appreciated the questions from COARM members, especially as they related to current EU priorities for arms exports and diversion prevention and field documentation.

T4T Briefs NATO

20 September 2022 - Tech 4 Tracing briefed a closed meeting of NATO’s Arms Control, Disarmament and WMD Non-Proliferation Centre (ACDC) at NATO Headquarters in Brussels today. The presentation covered emerging technologies that have wide application for arms control and on-site forensic investigations for counter-terrorism operations. We are grateful to the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for organising our visit.

T4T Global Policy Brief Launch
UN Open-ended Working Group on Ammunition (Geneva)

17 August 2022 - Tech 4 Tracing Technical Director Chris Gouch addressed the members of the UN Open-ended Working Group on conventional ammunition, during its second formal session in Geneva this week. The body is tasked with negotiating a global political framework on the control of conventional ammunition. He preview the upcoming release of the first algorithm for the computer vision-aided detection of munition items, and suggested that the release of this algorithm will be a watershed, and usher in a new era in arms control opportunities, including for conventional ammunition. Read his entire statement here.

Official Side Event UN Programme of Action on Small Arms BMS8 (New York)
UN Open-ended Working Group on Ammunition (New York)

25 May 2022 - Tech 4 Tracing Research Director Robert Sim addressed the members of the UN Open-ended Working Group on conventional ammunition, which will eventually negotiate a global political framework on the control of conventional ammunition. He urged the group to encourage the application of new technologies to the control of ammunition, including its rapid identification at sites of violence, and emphasised the need for tools that can gather data in ways that ensure its usability in prosecutions for human rights and international humanitarian law violations. Read his entire statement here.

Mine Action Technology Workshop

3 November 2021 - Tech 4 Tracing presented a session today on progress in the development of T4T’s Ammunition ID and Tracing tool at the 8th Mine Action Technology Workshop hosted by GICHD and UNMAS. The workshop brought together technology experts, mine action specialists, and other international actors looking to push the envelope in landmine and munitions detection, clearance and destruction.

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